What Do Possums, Outages, Glitches & Bees Have In Common?

Dena Wiggins
4 min readApr 26, 2019

Last week was something — actually, the entire month was something. From car breakdowns to weird stuff happening around the house, to creating entire posts that just disappeared like how socks disappear from the dryer to the laundry basket — something was up. The question is what is the something that was happening? What’s the story I would create around the something?

How we relate to the issue, is the issue. — Tori Hartman

Do you go into autopilot when the expectant happens? Do you have a strong fight or flight response? That was my survival hack for most of my life and in a good way until I realized sometimes my survival gets in the way of my becoming.

There are benefits to “keepin’ it moving.” We meet with Divine timing. We show up in boldness, understanding what it really took to get there, you know the things we often do not reveal until the Goalcast Story. We also meet with kairos opportunities that we experience through the lens of synchronicity. Man, those are great elements of a good purpose story.

And then there are times when a bunch of seemingly unrelated things occurs in rapid-fire sequence that cause us to pause. It’s not that the things are necessarily huge, but because of the speed and timing of the events, our survival mode failsafe switch is not activated. This is especially true if we are already a little tired because of recent events, workarounds or unexpected interruptions.

What do possums, computer and software glitches, bees burrowing into external doors, major flooding and outages have in common? Yep, they are events that are distractions. They are distractions from life, our plans, and what we were focused on before they come.

The thing about distractions is that they all have expiration dates. When distractions jump you or pile onto you at one time and at a time when you are already outside of your normal rhythm, they can seem like giants. When this happens, I usually recognize it when I feel that déjà vu knot in my stomach. I learned this is a signal to check out of survival mode and into check-in mode because something beyond distractions is happening.

Prior to adding Pause and Check-in to my path to purpose toolkit, when bombarded with distractions, my old story or scripting would kick in. They sound like, “this always happens when I am on a roll.” “That’s it. I must be on the wrong path.” Or quietly think, “maybe the universe does not have my back or maybe things work out for other people.” Recognizing and healing this script is how I discovered I am passionately for our purposes.

Bombarding distractions reveal our old stories and scripting that are ready to be faced and released. Distractions power up when they plug into our old stuff and commiserate with our old stories or false proof of limitations, Distractions have no power unless we empower them through our responses.

Five days with no internet, cable and limited cell coverage offered the space to witness my old responses to disruptions and decide to unplug. Unplugging took place with a different response. It did not happen immediately. Truthfully, I wore myself out resisting and trying to draw on survival hacks. But when all options failed, I was left with my thoughts. At that point, a squeaky door to myself quietly opened and revealed a new awareness to be with before clarity began to reveal herself.

The next time your version of possums, glitches, outages, storms, and bees comes your way, consider a Pause and Check-in response. See what is really coming up. Distractions are going to happen. Try this analogy when distractions feel like flood and overwhelm to you:

  • Flip Over — Switch Up Your Auto-Pilot Survival Programming
  • Float On Your Back — Recalibrate & Meet Possibility
  • Give Yourself the Space to Recognize What Part of You The Distraction is Attempting To Plug Into
  • Free Yourself — Unplug And Take Your Power Back
  • Swim on in Freedom — Rejuvenated & Recharged

Dena Wiggins is a Transformational Author, MBA Resultant, and Certified Purpose Coach. She takes an unwavering stand for your purpose. Dena unlocks purpose in sparked Purpose Peeps who transform businesses and organizations into lighthouses that shine solutions that transform our world. Stay connected, join the conversation, take inspired action.

Learn more at www.denawiggins.com. Check out our Unlocking Programs for adults or children’s products at The Purpose Place. Get your Purposed Resultant freemiums here!



Dena Wiggins

Author, Purpose Coach, Resultant & Speaker who creates tools that unlock purpose clarity in people & orgs who deliver results that matter www.denawiggins.com